Sunday, August 22, 2010

in de garden of eden..

god made us. we lived. adam and eve den deir children. a happy life. de children of god in his lil park.. de wild jump over de brushes and the skyscrapers. de water tumbles over, de sun was nice n gud. de dead had moved on de alive were kickin ..

angels r born, from de dead revived. god was born. he knew us but we didn't. father hiding behind de trees. run and find him. catchers winners.

we roamed around in, a frenzy we did. the bastard child ran amock. mountains across seas behind. under de rock and beneath de pond. in deers and monkeys and deir trivial life. brothers they climbed over. and patted his shoulder. de branches were broken, rocks were thrown. deir search was only deir own.
dey saw him in books and in sticks and bones.

de genetic algorithm we humans are... every generation we move de search continues for the perfect gene.. the perfect human being. its obvious, none of us are it. none. de search goes on. de god gene. de one who frees us. de one who turns off the power of de genetic algorithm.

de day had been as any other. de children were playing. the garden was serene. the pebbles plenty. the child picked a pebble. its color was red. unique. playfully he threw it. it bounced of the boulder and the straw caught the spark. fire was born. fathers thunder sons fire.

heat. de jumping orange. unique. red forgotten. burn. pain. flee. burn pain flee. burn pain flee. fire hot. fire burn. fire flee. the charred potatoes. wafting its waves. fire smell good. fire good. fire bad.
good bad. knowledge. forbidden.

moma choked. the smoke the smoke. the heat the burn the pain. the child'd pain. eden de potrait of moma shuddered. father loved mother. even more than his children. pain of hers he couldnt take. his child he couldnt slay. the bringer of pain. into the potrait he fell. de search went on. wen de forgiven son. de bringer of peace. the child de father is born.

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